Friday, November 7, 2014

lps93981AJ Channel

Hey Jammers!

Wassup? Lps93981AJ here, and I have a channel! It's called lps93981AJ, and it has 65 subs! I'm so proud ;)

Go and Subscribe to it! I pride my editing skills :3

Thank You for reading!

And as always...

lps93981AJ signing out.


Link 2 channel: lps93981AJ

Friday, October 24, 2014


Hai Jammers, lps93981AJ here
I apparently lost my own Blog for a while.. lol XD

Anyways, BAD NEWS:
Chewie's channel got deleted. I made a tribute. RIP her bacon pieces ;-;




Sunday, August 24, 2014

Flash and Trust Trading: DONT DO IT

Hey Jammers!

Have you ever been asked to "Trust Trade," or "Flash Trade," before? If so, did you say yes, or no? I hope you said no, as these are popular ways of scamming!

If you are asked too do this, please say no. You will stay with your items for a while longer. So, in other words, DON'T DO IT!!!!!! I have been scammed MANY times, and it sucks. When I was hacked, I got scammed on the exact same day. It sucked. Long story short, don't trust item generators. Anyway, not the point.

The point is, if it seems to good to be true, don't trust the person. Report and block them. Not that hard.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

lps93981AJ signing out. Baiz!

Banned Sayings

Hey Jammers!

Quick Question: Who here has had a warning for saying something on accident? I know I have.

I swear, AJHQ is taking away our rights! Their taking away freedom of speech and freedom of the Internet (I don't know if that's a freedom or not.) Saying things like, "Mailtime," and other sayings, they give you a warning. AJHQ, LET UP ON WHAT WE CAN SAY!

Anyways, enough raging on AJHQ, sometimes, you can get suspended, or even banned. I remember that I got BOTH of my accounts (main and alt), suspended, and boy, were mom and dad ticked! So, don't say stuff like that.

Long story short, say bad stuff, and get suspended. Don't do it, no matter what. Get enough suspensions, and get banned. It has already happened too the famous Jammer, Dens. Don't let it happen too you!

Anyway, thanks for reading!

lps93981AJ signing out. Peace!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Why It All Happened: Julian2's Channel

Ok Jammers, this is a sensitive subject on AJ matters, so yea.
The famous jammer, Julian2, had a girlfriend who was 16.
He was 14 (I am guessing)
Her name was LilacPetal. Her channel kept on getting deleted by Snowburn and whatnot, so Julian2 gave her his YouTube password. Bad idea, Julian.
A while later, Twinkle0122, convinced Lilac too give her his password, (Lilac has a condition that makes her do bad things, so yea,) and she was planning on deleting his channel. Lilac went off to get or do something, leaving Twinkle alone. Twinkle clicked "Delete Channel," and the channel was deleted. Lilac then felt SO bad that she helped, and she told Julian that she was sorry and whatnot, and all Julian said was, "Kill yourself." That made Lilac go on and PERMENATLY delete his channel, causing MASS hysteria among his fans. R.I.P #Jilac forever ;-;

Thanks for reading, Jammers!

lps93981AJ signing out ;)


Ok, who here has ALWAYS wanted a spike and wasn't able too get one? I am one of you, and DON'T think that you are alone. Being with the fact that I am a YouTuber (sort of) and that I am getting too the point of getting rares and betas, Spikes are the ones EVERYONE wants.

Spikes, being one of the most rare items in Animal Jam, aren't really rare anymore. Sure, people like them because their cool and what not, but that's not the point. Spikes aren't exactly on my "Rare" items list anymore, because, well, they are in Adventures. I have heard from an unknown source that Short Spikes are worth a Panda Hat, since Panda Hats are out of stock now. That's not true.

Spikes are NOT worth Panda Hats, as I did my research on Snowyclaw's blog. They used too be worth a lot of stuff, like pigtails, and gazelle horns. Not anymore, as they are in adventures. They ARE, however, VERY VERY hard too get. I have tried many upon many times, yet failed. The suspense that it brings, it is heartstopping. I have gotten a Rare Medusa Mask, Rare Spiked Hair, ect, but no spikes! I swear, is it hard or WHAT?

Anyways, thanks for reading!

lps93981AJ signing out!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First Post, and How to Get Good Items in the Eagle Adventure

Hiya Jammers! lps93981AJ here!
Ok, About the eagle adventure: You get GREAT rares, yet its difficult. Here is a good way too get good rares like Spikes:
1. Don't open chests, they can throw everything off balance.
2. Dance before you sit on the cacti

Those are some basic steps for finding good rares. Check out my channel, which is lps93981AJ.
Leave a like, comment, and subscribe for Animal Jam videos :)
lps93981AJ signing out :D